Autonomous Systems

AquaAirX India's First AI enabled Amphibious drones and underwater drones

What are Amphibious drones?
👉Let me Explain😉... Currently, the most common drones in the WORLD are airborne🍃 drones like Quadcopter and hexacopters, and on the other hand, drones that work underwater like a submarine. These are also known as ROVs.
BUT... An Amphibious drone🤩 on the other hand can work in both Underwater🫧 and Airborne Environments. It can seamlessly transition between both environments.
Capable of functioning in the air, with the flexibility to operate manually, partially autonomously, or in full autonomous mode, all equipped with mission-specific sensor arrays.
Our patented innovation enables seamless transitions between aerial and underwater operations, rendering it perfect for hybrid missions.
AquaAirX introduces a revolutionary dual-mode system that seamlessly switches between air and water modes, offering exceptional versatility and adaptability. This flexibility empowers users to select the mode that suits their needs, whether it's exploring the ocean's depths or navigating the skies. Underwater mobility is a key aspect of AquaAirX, making it invaluable for scientific research, underwater inspections, military operations, and homeland security. This technology presents a game-changing solution for efficient movement in underwater settings, opening up numerous applications.
AquaAirX is a cutting-edge solution that seamlessly shifts between air and water driving modes, serving a range of operational needs. Its flexibility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for exploring underwater environments in fields such as scientific research, inspections, military operations, and security enhancements. Its efficient underwater navigation capabilities usher in new opportunities for underwater exploration, expanding its applications significantly.

Search & Rescue
Underwater mines
At-sea fleet inspections
Harbor access reconnaissance
Scuba diving
Sport fishing
Undersea video

Oil & Gas
Offshore wind turbine
Bridge and infrastructure inspections
Coral Reef and fisheries